Report by: Rob Barrett & RNC Foto
Round 7 on the JBRL Nitro schedule kicked off in Ontario California at Revelation Raceway with just over 100 entries. The racers were treated to a well prepared track with a massive jump placed right in the center. Estimates put the double-double span at about 45 feet and cars catching about 15 feet of air. It was an impressive sight, seeing the buggys hit the take off ramp with the throttle pinned just to make it all the way across. Many had to take the corner before very wide and high on the berm to pick up the speed needed to clear the gap. With a little lighter turnout than previous rounds the racers were treated to 10 minute C mains, 15 minute B’s and 20 minute A’s. The sportsman racers had a hard time with the 20 minute A’s and attrition was high but the intermediate and experts made it with little trouble. Expert truggy only had 2 entries so they ran with the intermediate class but were scored separate.
Full Results
Expert Buggy – Winner: Adam Drake – Losi/Novarossi 2. Matt Schreffler – Losi/Nitrotec 3. Joseph Quagraine – JQ Products/OS
The last race of the day was a full field of the usuals with a special appearance in the US from Finnish driver Joseph Quagraine who put his buggy in P3 behind Adam Drake and Matt Schreffler. Drew Moller and Travis Amezcua rounded out the top 5. The top 4 drivers were separated by less than 5 seconds in their qualifying times. With some of the drivers getting ready for the Worlds in month in Thailand the experts were ready to race hard and provided an exciting race. At the buzzer Adam made it through the first turn clean and began to pull on the field with Matt not far behind. Travis got up to 2nd place during the first lap with Joseph pushing hard. At the end of the front straight Joseph made an awesome pass on the inside of Travis but two turns later on the flat bermed 180 degree turn Joseph went a bit high and Travis drove it in hard, pitched it and just hit Joseph’s front end knocking him in spectacular fashion right over the berm. Somehow on the blind side of the berm Joseph gunned it and came right back on the track right on line but lost a few spots in the exchange. Travis had a rough lap and Matt got by him as Drew and Joseph were battling each other for 5th place. Adam and Mark Pavidis were now 1st and 2nd with 9 minutes left, Adam had a big lead and it was apparent he was on a one-stop strategy. Joseph worked his way back up to 2nd but still needed a stop, Adam and Schreffler were done with their stops. Adam pulled out almost a full lap lead and decided to call it safe and came in for a surprise pit stop to top it off. Joseph pulled it in for his last stop and despite a flame out got out just in front of Matt but couldn’t hold him off and had take the 3rd place trophy back to Finland. Adam took the win easily with Matt 25 seconds behind. Drew and Travis round out the top 5 of an exciting race. Mark Pavidis, had a good run going but ran into some issues and brought it home in 7th.
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Electric 1/8 Buggy – Winner – Drew Moller
A small field of only 4 drivers this round and Tennison Willis didn’t make the start so with 3 drivers in the A main the action was few and far between. Right from the start Drew Moller jumped his all white buggy out to big lead and never looked back. The first few laps Ronda Drake and Billy Ho traded places a couple times. Billy had a couple of bobbles and Ronda strapped it up and drove away the rest of the 10 minute main. Drew almost lapped the field but wasn’t able to catch Ronda.
Exp/Int Truggy – Winners Expert Matt Schreffler, Tyler DeLong Intermediate
The 2 experts at the track, Matt Schreffler and Drew Moller were bumped down to the Intermediate class and qualified 1st and 4th respectively. Mason Elliot and Scott Rapoport qualified 2nd and 3rd. Schreffler got in some trouble on the first lap and was in the back of the field and Drew had fallen all the way to last after getting tangled in the first few turns of the race. 8 minutes in Moller had a couple rare flameouts and his crew went to work and swapped out the glow plug to get him back out but he was 4 laps behind the leader and had to settle for 2nd place points in the expert ranks. Mason Elliot and DJ Silva had a few laps of swapping spots before Mason was able to pull away and try to get to Tyler Delong who was running 1st among the Int. drivers. Scott Rapoport fought his way past DJ on the last lap with 3 turns left and almost had Mason reeled in but didnt have time to secure 2nd place. The intermediate drivers once again provided an exciting round to watch.
After an exciting day of racing and enjoying the best hamburger available of any track I have been to the drivers were packing it up, smiling and laughing with each. Jimmy ran a very smooth and fast event that allowed everyone to leave before dark and start getting ready for the 2010 JBRL Nitro final round, a 2 day event at Jimmy’s Hot Rod Hobbies, October 23rd and 24th.